Creating user-friendly documentation to support software development

Nikita Mozgunov

What does Statistical Programmer do?

Key Responsibilities

  • Writing efficient and reproducible R scripts.
  • Developing and maintaining packages.
  • Collaboration (Working closely with biostatisticians, researchers).
  • Knowledge Dissemination:
    • Creating ShinyApps to present results.
    • Sharing findings through presentations, publications, and workshops.

Current Tasks @ESD

  • Adding new functionalities to existing packages (e.g. MAMS).
  • Create web-documentation using pkgdown.
  • New approach for mastering MAMS R package for end-users.


The pkgdown generates a static website from an R package’s documentation, making it easier to share and navigate the package’s information and resources.
pkgdown pipeline:

MAMS package documentation



About webR

WebR is a version of R interpreter

WebR’s core is based around compiling the open-source R interpreter for WebAssembly

WebAssembly is a type of code that can be run in modern web browsers — it is a low-level assembly-like language.

WebAssembly provides a way to run code on the web with client apps running on the web that previously couldn’t have done so.

webR pros and limitations


  • In-browser near-native execution speed
  • We don’t need to install R anywhere on the computer.
  • We don’t need to setup a server.


  • Most of the CRAN packages available
  • Single core computations
  • Limited local files access

Documentation with embedded webR
